Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority Essay Example for Free

Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority Essay A. The rise of new imperialism of the 19th and early 20th century involved Europe going into Africa. The causes of imperialism in Africa were partly due to the decolonization in America. The European powers were out political and economic gain by the United States gaining their independence. In 1876 European powers especially King Leopold II of Belgium, agreed in the Berlin Conference to split up the land in Africa, no longer invading to colonize but to gain political, military and economic power. The methods to imperialism of the African land were done differently, by each European power. The British who imperialized the cape of Africa used laws and indirect methods to gain power, however King Leopold II used extreme force to gain control of the Congo. The Congo was then ruled with strict political control and military force. A1. Between the years 1885 and 1905 more than 10 million indigenous people of Congo were murdered. King Leopold II used the natives as slave labor to gain resources such as rubber and ivory. Edward Morel an official that monitored shipping traffic started noticing that King Leopold II ships came back with tons of cargo, but little to no cargo was being sent to the Congo for trade. Morel soon put two and two together and realized the native people were being used as slave labor. In doing so Morel soon started to organize a protest. Other than the protest that Morel started the people of Congo were silent, due to many years of off and on again use as slave laborers. B. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a violent revolution and in comparison to the Indian Independence Movement was a nonviolent revolution both had causes and goals that will be discussed. To begin, the Russian Revolution of 1917 was caused by food shortages and the peoples opposition to the  government, ran by Nicolas II who was czar. Czar Nicolas II had pushed into World War I leaving the people in Russia in anguish due to the many losses and economic downfall. This downfall came due to the amount of soldier and horses being placed into the war leaving the peasants at home with a loss of man power to continue a, standard of living( Causes of the Russian Revolution 2). Due to the decrease in man power, and materials to use at the home front, prices increased and a hunger endemic began. With hunger increasing and inflation of prices continuing strikes began, which eventually stopped transportation. When the transportation stopped supplies and food did not get to the soldiers at war decreasing the amount of people who believed in the czar. The goal of the peasants of the Russian Revolution of 1917, was to gain a new leader and for their voices to be heard. In March 1917, a riot of peasants, and soldiers stormed the streets with the support of the Duma, a group of government officials, forcing Nicolas II out of power. The Indian Independence Movement was a nonviolent revolution that gained Indias independence in August 15, 1947 from Britain, French and Portugal. The start of the revolution began in 1857 when Indian soldiers rebelled against the British East Indian Company when Indian political rights were not being honored, however British squashed the matter. Eventually, non- violent movements began in 1918-1922 when, suppression of civil liberties, political rights and culture, were not being recognized by the British (Sharma, S. (2010)). The movement was led by the Indian National Congress who were under the direct leadership of Mohandas Ganghi. The movement held a revolt in 1942, demanding that the British leave India, known as the Quit India Movement, due to the riot in Calcutta, Independence was finally gained(Sharma, S. (2010)). The goal of the revolution was finally met to gain civil liberties, political integrity and have Indian culture recognized. B1. The strategies of the two revolution discussed above include a riot in the Russian Revolution of 1917. In the riot peasants, soldiers and the Duma stood together to over throw the czar. In the Indian Independence Movement the strategies were to use boycotts and stances against the British force to  gain their independence. References Causes of the Russian Revolution of February/March 1917. (n.d.). Retrieved from Causes of the Russian Revolution 2 What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? (n.d.). Retrieved from Hochschild, A. (1999). King Leopold’s ghost: A story of greed, terror, and heroism in colonial Africa [ebrary book]. Retrieved from Sharma, S. (2010). Civil rights movements [ebrary book]. Retrieved from SparkNotes: Europe 1871-1914: The Scramble for Africa (1876-1914). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Free YGB Essay: Deciphering a Passage of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown

Deciphering a Passage from Young Goodman Brown " Lo! There ye stand, my children†¦'" In the first line of this passage, the figure is trying to gain the trust of the people congregated around the alter. This figure, Satan, is standing before the citizens of Salem addressing them as 'my children' in order to lure them into a false belief in him as their savior. His deep, solemn, and almost sad tone commands sincerity and, seemingly, his feelings of sadness that their belief in God did not work out. 'His once angelic nature' is used to portray that he too was once a follower of God but also chose the road to evil in an effort to empathize with the people of Salem. 'Depending upon one another's hearts, ye had still hoped, that virtue were not all a dream,' was said by Satan to suggested he knew that some of the people of Salem desperately tried to believe that they could be saved and that there were another way other than through evil. Satan then cries, 'Now are ye undeceived! Evil is the nature of mankind.' This is to imply that he is wiping the sleep from people's eyes and it uncovering the truth- that evil is the only way- the natural way. Only through evil can the masses can be happy instead of through any other belief. He again welcomes the people standing before him into his evil kingdom through 'the communion of your race!' "Young Goodman Brown" is a portrayal of one man who bids farewell to his wife, Faith, to undertake a secret journey into the night. He sets off on his way at sunset into a thick forest to rendez-vous with an old man who is to lead him to this secret deep in the woods, the secret being a meeting to welcome the people of Salem to Satan's evil kingdom. Goodman Brown, throughout the story, is in conflict with himself as to why he is doing this. He tries to turn back many times but is once again drawn to this inevitable journey by the old traveler. Once he arrives near the meeting, he hears Faith succumb to Satan and rushes to be with her. Goodman Brown then awakes in the forest and returns to Salem. He sees the people who had attended the fiend-worship and can only think evil thoughts of them and their hippocratic ways.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Benefits Of Multinational Corporations Essay

Like any other multinational corporation, Acme Motors have been coupled with various economic implications and benefits to the foreign countries in which it operates. Acme is a motor vehicle company headquartered in Nuevo Laredo but performing other international business in Mexico, Spain and other countries. In the foreign countries, it has been involved in the manufacturing of motor vehicle engines above their assembly to complete vehicles. The performance of the company is usually fed by a number of comparative advantages which are implied by its operational capacity. Generally, the large scale capacity of the company has been a major advantage which the company uses to create economics of scale in its operational system through its broad endowed portfolio of technology. It has been able to successfully compete in the foreign international market which is highly competitive. The company has various artistic and management tools that help to impair the effects of foreign business culture which may lead to operational failures. It has a wide management support which compound the tools of research into the broad market and political risks operating in the foreign market which may bring operational losses. Either it has also used the tools of mergers and acquisitions to help prevent the negative impacts of foreign market infestations. (Skene, 1992) However, the operational portfolio of the company has been faced by the challenges of negative externalities of environmental pollution and degradation in the host countries. Basically, the industrial nature of the company compounds various environmental degrading facets which include resource over exploitation emission to the air pollution, water pollution and the general socio-economic implications which are of negative external capacity. However, the problem of environmental pollution and degradation to the company allies to been a fatal problem which has even called for various statutory control programs both by the company and the state government. Usually the tool of increasing taxation has been a subjective implication which has helped the company to change its industrial characteristics. Through higher cost levies by such foreign governments, the company has changed its industrial technology to more environmental friendly methods which cause less pollution. Generally, through such taxes, the government has then compensated the society for such environmental pollutions above supplying various public goods which benefit the people. (Wray, 1997) To the company, the tools for control of environmental degradation have posited various cost implications both in the short run and in the long run. Since the system for implementing environmental control has been achieved through change in modifying operation to capture more friendly methods, this has however been costly. Higher cost has had a negative implication to increases in the cost in the short run. However, increases in cost have been ransomed through the use of proper management tools which ensure a well balanced business management conceptions which continue to provide the company competitively advantages in the market. However, the long run cost has been reduced through higher sells achievements from the active product support from the environmental friendly consumers. (Snowdon, Vane, 1997) Generally, as an important tool, the environmental aspect is an important tool which the company and any other should apply in the international portfolio. The cost of environmental degradation is costly and would perhaps outweigh the benefit cost relationship which provides grounds for competitive advantage at the market. Either, it is important in safeguarding the broad interest of the society with which the manufacturing (industrial) activity is allied to. Reference Skene, G, (1992) Cycles of inflation and Deflation: Money, Debt at the 1920’s. Westport CT: Praeger. Snowdon, B & Vane, H, (1997) A Macroeconomic Reader. London; Rout ledge. Underwood D, (2004) Principle of Macroeconomics; Toward a Multiparadigmatic approach. Journal Economic issues, Vol. 38. Wray, L (1997) Kenneth Bouding’s Reconstruction of Macroeconomics. Review of social economy, Vol. 55.